Cinematographer: Per Magne Dalen


Thrown sculptures into the sea 30 years ago - reunited with two of these this year. 


This year's autumn exhibition shows portraits in sculpture and painting by Tore Bjørn Skjølsvik. 

You will find people he had a relationship with throughout his life, such as a street musician from Pietrasanta, a man from Blåkors, famous politicians, family and friends. Skjølsvik threw several of his works into the sea 30 years ago. Now he is reunited with two of his beloved works. Female act, which in its time was depicted with the king in Aftenposten when it took part in the Autumn Exhibition (State Art Exhibition), was well taken care of by those who found it at sea. These two works are currently at the TBS Gallery.


Civilization about the exhibition:


The portraitist who sympathizes with the unknown man | Autumn exhibition at TBS Gallery


Treskulpturen Kvinneakt med kongen