"Our Europe"

What are we talking about when we talk about our European values?
Based on Europe's art and cultural history, art historian, author and social debater Tommy Sørbø sheds light on this question in three entertaining and educational lectures at TBS Gallery on 13, 20 and 27 September at 18.00.
Every evening he selects one work by the sculptor Tore Bjørn Skjølsvik, and lets it become his companion and sparring partner into art history.
Tommy Sørbø is known for combining humor and seriousness, high and low, sacred and profane in his presentation. We can promise three unforgettable evenings suitable for everyone who:
• want to have something and hit the table with when the cultural elite discuss isms at exhibition openings
• will refresh art history
• plans to start studying art history
• wondering what Europe is
• likes to create things, but would like to see how others have done it throughout history
• is curious about what people who have lived before us have created and thought
13/09/2022 - "Exploration and curiosity" 18:00
20.09.2022 – «Individualism" at 18:00
27/09/2022 - "Art and power" at 18:00
Price per night NOK. 150,-
Tickets are bought at Biletto: